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Ver la Versión Completa Con Imagenes : WRC * World Rally Championship

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Ayudante De Santa
06-11-2015, 22:19:08
Los mejores licores
!!! OoOops !!!
28-07-2007, 23:54:12
206 / 2002 ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

Ayudante De Santa
06-11-2015, 22:19:08
Los mejores licores
!!! OoOops !!!
29-07-2007, 00:02:23
MX ´06 ( ( (

29-07-2007, 00:57:45
Uhhhhhhh... eaaahhh... que bellezas!

En la 33 no me harán un tunning de esos? hohohohohoh...!


Shiloh Rabbit
29-07-2007, 09:52:13

!!! OoOops !!!
30-07-2007, 15:26:47


cERVEZA!!! RALLY!!!!! MOTOS!!!!!

!!! OoOops !!!
31-07-2007, 21:07:38
Ford Focus RS WRC 2007

Impreza WRC 2007

Hyundai Accent Sr WRC (

01-08-2007, 09:35:00
parce y eso en vivo como se ve, eso saltos tan hptas que hacen...

01-08-2007, 10:56:14
Parcero de una vez se lo digo, el mejor topic en la historia de Denunciando, yo pense que acá no habia gente con buen gusto, automovilisticamente hablando...ahi lo vi mas bien que un putas...

01-08-2007, 11:11:52
Bueno acá aporto unas foticos de carros de rally actuales y de los 80's y 90's. Fotos tomnadas en el festival de Goodwood de este año...(como no se poner texto y luego foto les enumero las fotos), o creo que el arcgivo ya tiene el nombre del carro...

El primero es un Audi Quattro, campeón del mundo de rallyes en 1983 y 1984. El sexto fue el primer Subaru de Rallys, El Legacy del Grupo A, con el que Colin McRae logro la primera victoria en el mundial para Subaruen el año 93. El ultimo es una raro ejempler del Toyota MR.2 del proyectado y cancelado Grupo S. el grupo S iba a ser el reemplazo de los peligrosos pero espectaculares Grupo B de finales de los 80's. Del proyectado Grupo S solo se fabricaron dos prototipos el citado toyota y el Lancia ECV-4...

!!! OoOops !!!
01-08-2007, 14:44:47
Clasico de clasicos ese Impreza!!!!

01-08-2007, 15:21:07
parce y cuando estaba el 206 que ganaba todo...

01-08-2007, 20:38:36
pillen estas

01-08-2007, 22:40:36
Parce brutales esas fotos de los saltos en finlandia, ese es uno de los mejores rallys que hay...y brutal tambien la foto del Audi Quattro S1...nada mas y nada menos que 600bhp ahi...

01-08-2007, 22:41:17
Los Grupo B: la época dorada de los rallies

Dicen que tiempos pasados siempre fueron mejores, y en este caso habría razones para afirmarlo y razones para no estar de acuerdo. Los Grupo B marcaron una época en el mundo de los rallies. Aquellos automoviles con sus excasos 1000 kg, 500 cv y una aceleración desmedida llenaron de emoción el campeonato en los años 80, pero tambien demostraron su peligrosidad con consecuencias trágicas y ahí llego el final de los Grupo B.

En aquel momento en el Mundial de Rallies competían vehículos de calle ligeramente modificados en dos categorías el Grupo 2 y el Grupo 4 hasta que se decide permitir el uso de tracción total y se plantean cambiar de Grupo 4 y Grupo 5 a Grupo A y Grupo B, respectivamente. Entonces ninguna marca decidió arriesgarse, excepto Audi que con su Quattro logró en 1980 ganar su primer rally y demostrar que los vehículos con cuatro ruedas motrices no tenían porque ser pesados y lentos y por lo tanto cargar con una desventaja que les impidiera ganar.
En 1982 el Audi Quattro era el coche a batir, y fue en 1983 cuando definitivamente se instauran la Grupo A y la Grupo B en sustitución del Grupo 4 y el Grupo 5, siendo el Lancia 037 el primero en ser registrado como Grupo B y el único que sería capaz de hacer frente al imbatible Audi Quattro.

De alguna forma la Grupo B se convirtió en más especializada y más avanzada tecnológicamente que los antiguos Grupos 4 y Grupo 5, ya que ahora para homologar un vehículo Grupo B tan solo había que fabricar obligatoriamente 200 vehículos frente a los 400 que eran obligatorios antes. Además para hacer una evolución bastaba con fabricar 20 nuevos vehículos, por lo que los Serie B estaban siempre a la última en tecnología.
En 1983 el Lancia 037 se hace con el Título de Constructores y un año despues aparece el mítico Peugeot 205 Turbo 16 en cuyo diseño colaboró Jean Todt como jefe del equipo Peugeot Talbot Sport, y en éste, su primer año, Ari Vatanen pilotando el Peugeot consiguió ganar el Campeonato del Mundo. Así la progresión de los Grupo B continuaba y aparecían nuevas marcas interesadas en entrar en la puja, como Ford con su RS200 y Austin.

Las prestaciones de los Grupo B no paraba de aumentar y cada vez eran más dificiles de controlar, incluso se llegó a pensar en hacer un Grupo S con una limitación de 300 cv para limitar el desarrollo de los Grupo B. Pero el Grupo S nunca llegó a competir, y es que en 1986 tras los accidentes de Vatanen en el Rally de Argentina, donde casí muere, el accidente de un Ford RS200 en el Rally de Portugal que mató a tres espectadores y finalmente el accidente en el Rally de Córcega en el que murieron Toivonen y su copiloto Sergio Cresto llevó al fin de los Grupo B.

Para el año siguiente se prohibieron los Grupo B y Ford y Audi no terminarían la temporada. Aquí llegamos pues al final de La época dorada de los rallies, los Grupo B.
Dejo en el tintero algunas historias más como los accidentes de Toivonen y Vatanen y entrar un poco más en detalle en la historia de los míticos Grupo B como el Peugeot 205 Turbo 16, el Lancia Delta S-4, el Ford RS200 y otros.

01-08-2007, 22:49:49
mas fotos

esto si era rally de verdad

02-08-2007, 19:53:43
Ahhh los Grupo B. si, eso si era rallysmo de verdad, lastima que fueran tan extremadamente peligrosos...Ah proposito, este fin de semana es el rally de Finlandia...hay que estar atentos...

03-08-2007, 00:23:04
Neste Rally Finland Stage 1:

Subaru World Rally Team's Chris Atkinson has taken the early lead at Neste Oil Rally Finland, posting a time of one minute 20.6 seconds on the short Killeri superspecial stage.
The stage win may be a great moral victory for the Australian, but it's a small actual advantage as he only has 0.2 seconds up on his nearest rival.

The premier pairing of Marcus Gronholm and Sebastien Loeb lived up to its hype with Gronholm barely edging his championship rival by a tenth of a second, and finishing second behind Atkinson.
Further down the order, Citroen's Dani Sordo finished fourth, a further 0.3 seconds behind Loeb and was followed closely by Subaru's Petter Solberg in the Impreza, another 0.1 seconds behind.

This means that heading into the first day of full stages; the top five are only separated by 0.7 seconds total.

Stobart VK M-Sport Ford Rally Team's Jari-Matti Latvala finished sixth, 1.1 seconds off the pace but ahead of fellow Ford driver Mikko Hirvonen in seventh.

OMV Kronos Citroen driver Manfred Stohl rounded out the top eight almost a full two seconds behind the stage leader.

03-08-2007, 11:44:53
lo mejor de finlandia son lo saltos a gran velocidad

04-08-2007, 00:41:24
Neste Rally Finland Leg 1

With the first day of action drawing to a close, Marcus Gronholm sits on top of the overall standings after a long run of stage wins. Despite the apparent domination, he leads the rally by a mere 4.4 seconds over fellow BP-Ford driver Mikko Hirvonen.The two have traded fastest times over the course of the day and have even tied on one stage only to be separated by four seconds at the close of eleven stages and over 125 km of racing.
Behind the fascinating Ford duel Sebastien Loeb has driven a flat out race to simply keep touch. Collecting a string of thirds equal to Gronholm's firsts, and losing a few seconds each stage while at it, Loeb has positioned himself firmly in the third place position. Making a strike on day two is not out of the question for the reigning world rally champion, but if tomorrow's rounds begin to go like today's, don't be surprised if the Citroen driver makes sure to stay on the podium by late afternoon.

Subaru World Rally Team started off with mixed fortunes on the day. On one hand Chris Atkinson started the day in the lead and had a strong showing on the morning stages to stay in fourth and within reasonable distance of the top three. Petter Solberg, on the other hand, was fighting the car from the start of stage two, becoming more upset with its handling at the end of each test. The first service of the leg turned it around for the Norwegian and he began posting times in line with his Australian team-mate. A spin by Atkinson put Solberg as close as five seconds away from catching his brother in blue, but Atkinson pulled out a great time on the penultimate stage, reestablishing his lead over the former world rally champion. Solberg now sits in fifth, 10.4 seconds behind Atkinson.

Sandwiching the Subarus was the other Citroen of Dani Sordo.The Spanish C4 driver has committed himself to making it through the event while earning the maximum points for the team. He was engaged in a battle with Stobart VK M-Sport Ford Rally Team driver Henning Solberg for the sixth overall position, but some strong finishes on the late afternoon stages moved him back into position with a bit of a cushion to spare.

Henning Solberg started the day off slow, but really began to charge during the middle section of stages. Solberg stormed up the leaderboard to as high as sixth, but finished the final long stint eight seconds behind in seventh. With the more familiar stages coming up tomorrow it should be easy for Solberg to regain most of that time back and possibly make a push against his brother for a higher position.

Rounding out the top eight, Manfred Stohl has consistently placed himself in the top eight all day, taking his biggest chunks of time on the longer stages of the leg. The OMV Kronos Citroen driver will also be looking to tomorrow as he is only thirteen seconds away from seventh and twenty-three seconds away from sixth. With two passes through the long Ouninpohja stage on Saturday, the gaps between the drivers won't seem large enough, as stalls, spins and maybe another roll or two might take their toll on the final outcome

!!! OoOops !!!
04-08-2007, 20:05:53
Lancia Delta S4
Ford RS200
Metro 6R4
Audi Quattro S1
Peugeot 205 T16 Evolution 2


04-08-2007, 22:45:01
ese audi si era de lo mejor

04-08-2007, 22:51:04
y pa que vean que era la mejor epoca hasta FERRARI tenia un auto de rally

04-08-2007, 23:08:47
y hasta porsche tubo autos en el grupo B usando los porsche 959 y ademas corrieron en el rally paris-dakar.
En 1986 fueron los mas rapidos y terminaron en primer y segundo lugar

04-08-2007, 23:22:50
Huy hermosos esos carros ome, el Metro 6R4 si era una cosa graciosa, era como el R5 Maxi, chiquito y culon...el Lancia una monstruo, con su motor Supercargado y Turbucargado...el Audi excelente, pero el rey en tecnologia si era el Peugeot 205 T-16 Evo.2, que gano los dos ultimos titulos bajo el grupo B, aunque el del 85' se lo quitaron a un piloto de Lancia...

Por otro lado, el Ferrari de rally no era del Grupo B, era un Grupo 4: el Ferrari 308 GTB 4...y el Porsche 959 si fue en proyecto de Porsche para entrar en los Grupo B, pero llego muy tarde...igual ahi queda la Victoria de Jackie Ickx en el Dakar para demostrar que hunieran hecho...Porsche en los 80's tenia el 911 Carrera RS de Rallys, pero al ser tracción trasera poco podia hacer frente a los 4WD excepto en el tarmac...

04-08-2007, 23:52:56
Rally Finland Leg 2:

Leg two was fully expected to be a mix of highs and lows for the competitors.The busiest day on the rally schedule featured over 188 km of stages, with 66 km being two runs through the infamous Ouninpohja. While no one was able to reel in either BP-Ford cars on Leg one, it was hoped that the longer stages would give some of the other teams more of a chance.

The day started off with a Sebastien Loeb stage win and a glimmer of hope for the field, but then the long stages came.Stage 13 saw Manfred Stohl roll his car multiple times after dropping two wheels into a ditch. The day was done for the OMV Kronos Citroen driver, but thankfully no one was injured in the accident. The same stage also saw the beginning of car troubles for Petter Solberg.

The same mechanical issues the Norwegian had at the beginning of Leg one reappeared in time for the longest stage of the rally. Solberg, again, began to complain of poor handling even though his team-mates never suffered from similar issues.
Juho Hanninen also suffered mechanical trouble on Ouninpohja, losing a cylinder during the 33.11 km stage.The Mitsubishi limped into service where it was retired for the day.

Gronholm meanwhile went on a rampage taking stage win after stage win while his main competitors continued to run into trouble. On stage 15, Dani Sordo, who was lying in fifth ran into car troubles on stage and had to stop before reaching the finish. The Spaniard retired and Solberg temporarily inherited fifth.T he Subaru driver quickly dropped down the rankings as the car proved impossible to drive, and he, too, was eventually retired from the rally.

The retirements created a wonderful battle for sixth place between Urmo Aava and Xavier Pons, with the gap between the two drivers closing down to as little as 0.4 seconds between stages.
As the remote third service of the day approached it was discovered that Guy Wilks, who had been sitting eighth overall damaged his back, and his Ford Focus, during the second run of Ouninpohja. The car lost all hydraulic fluid and could not be repaired with the limited resources of the remote service. The Focus was still drivable, but Wilks began losing massive amounts of time to Mads Ostberg. The Subaru driver eventually caught and passed Wilks on the leaderboard during the day's final stages.

Gronholm continued his relentless pace through the longer stages and into the shorter stages 17 and 18 until he had built a 21 second lead over team-mate Mikko Hirvonen. Hirvonen then took the final two stages of the day, but only managed to claw back a second with the back to back wins.

With three stages left on Leg three, the top five seem settled into position and the bottom three points giving spots, positioned for an all out assault. While stages 21 and 23 are shorter tests, Leg two has proven you can never rule out the roads of Finland, and what damage they may bring to the standings.

05-08-2007, 15:49:33
Rally Finland Leg 3:

Marcus Gronholm made it three stage wins for the day as he went on to win Neste Oil Rally Finland in convincing style. While the remainder of the top five were separated from each other by a few tenths of a second, Gronholm put an exclamation point on his rally by pulling out a 1.7 second advantage on the shortest stage of the day. The rest of the top five followed in the order they had been finishing all day.

Guy Wilks shot up the stage times with a fifth place finish in a last ditch effort to overtake Mads Ostberg. The attempt nearly paid off as Ostberg suffered a broken half shaft during the previous stage effectively turning his Subaru Impreza into a front wheel drive only machine. Wilks had been 38.4 seconds behind at the beginning of the stage and as the split times came in, it seemed the impossible could happen. Unfortunately for Wilks, he simply ran out of stage kilometers as Ostberg finished 14th on the stage, with seven seconds to spare. The Adapt Subaru driver was ecstatic to be done with the rally and more than happy to claim his first ever WRC point.

Urmo Aava also had reason to celebrate as the Estonian earned his first world rally points with a seventh place finish overall. He was eighth on stage.

Matthew Wilson was set for a final stage fight with Andreas Mikkelsen that never came. Mikkelsen went off on stage giving Wilson, who gingerly brought the car to stage finish, the tenth overall position.

Final Positions:

1. Marcus Gronholm (Fin) - Ford Focus RS WRC
2. Mikko Hirvonen (Fin) - Ford Focus RS WRC
3. Sebastien Loeb (Fra) - Citroën C4 WRC
4. Chris Atkinson (Aus) - Subaru Impreza WRC
5. Henning Solberg (Nor) - Ford Focus RS WRC
6. Xavier Pons (Spa) - Subaru Impreza WRC
7. Urmo Aava (Est) - Ford Focus RS WRC
8. Mads Östberg (Nor) - Subaru Impreza WRC

05-08-2007, 22:32:49
Algunas Fotos del Rally de Finlandia...:)

05-08-2007, 22:39:08
Mas Fotos de los 1000 Lagos:)

!!! OoOops !!!
06-08-2007, 19:20:38
Excelente 1000 lagos!!!

06-08-2007, 23:49:39
Este Fin de Semana se corrio también el Rally Vinho Madeira, valido para el I.R.C. (Intercontinental Rally Challenge), certamen que esta resevado a vehiculos de las clases Super 2000, Super 1600. y Grupo N o carros de producción. Muchos dicen que los Super 2000 son el futuro del rallysmo, pues reunen caracteristicas de los WRC pero sin llegar a ser tan caros, por el momento hay varias marcas interesadas en este segmento asi como en la también nueva clase de la FIA, la A7 (Vehiculos de 2 Litros con tracción en dos ruedas)...

Resultados del Rally:

1 - Basso/Dotta, Fiat Punto Abarth, 3h06m13s4;
DQ - Travaglia/Granai, Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX, +1m31s1;
2 - Magalhaes/Grave, Peugeot 207 S2000, +2m26s4;
3 - Ojeda/Barrabes, Peugeot 207 S2000, +2m52s8;
4 - Fontes/Prata, Fiat Punto Abarth, +3m39s;
5 - Casier/Miclotte, Peugeot 207 S2000, +5m37s3;
6 - Fontana/Casazza, Fiat Punto Abarth, +5m40s6;
7 - Jean-Joseph/Boyère, Citroen C2 S1600, +6m03s5;
8 - Camacho/Abreu, Peugeot 207 S2000, +6m59s5;
9 - Vouilloz/Klinger, Peugeot 207 S2000, +7m01s1;
10 - Freitas/Figueiroa, Renault Clio S1600, +8m31s1

Cabe destacar que el DQ es el tercero esta temporada para Equipos que compiten con MItsubishi Lancer...

PD: Les quedo debiendo las foticos...:)

07-08-2007, 00:34:45
Ahora si, las fotos...:)

!!! OoOops !!!
07-08-2007, 19:21:09
Me gusta mucho el 207!!!

09-08-2007, 00:36:16
Ahi subo mas foticos del IRC, estas del rally de Ypres que se corrio en Belgica en el mes de Mayo...:)

!!! OoOops !!!
09-08-2007, 16:18:24
Me gustó mucho el C2!!!!

09-08-2007, 20:51:06
Acá dejo las primeras imagenes de prensa del Subaru Impreza WRC del 2008, por el momento no se conoce mas información...solo que el motoe va a ser un 1994 c.c Turbocargado conforme a las reglas del WRCy el uso de llantas B.F. Goodrich..

10-08-2007, 10:12:49
me gustaba mas el anterior, pero si con ese diseño recuperan el rendimiento que han perdido pues esta bien.
trae un diseño similar al del citroen C4 y al del ford focus

12-08-2007, 18:19:22
Si, es cierto, como que ese diseño Hatchback se tomo los WRC, por que el Suzuki SX4 y el Hyundai que debutaran en los proximos años también son por el mismo estilo...

12-08-2007, 18:26:07

17-08-2007, 23:58:26
Hoy se empezó a correr el Rally de Alemania...rally de asfalto, que se espera sea dominado por el campeón del mundo Sebastien Loeb, quien a ganado todas las ediciones de este rally corridas bajo el WRC (5 en total, desde el 2002 al 2006)

Leaderboard after Leg 1
1. F. Duval/P. Pivato (Bel) - Citroën Xsara WRC 1hr 14min 10.9sec

2. S. Loeb/D. Elena (Fra) - Citroën C4 WRC 1 hr 14min 12.2sec

3. M.Grönholm/T.Rautiainen (Fin) - Ford Focus RS WRC 1hr 14min

4. M.Hirvonen/J.Lehtinen (Fin) - Ford Focus RS WRC 1hr 14min 3.6sec

5. T.Gardemeister/J.Honkanen (Fin) - Mitsubishi Lancer WRC 1hr 15min 15.1sec

6. J.Kopecky/F.Schovanek (Cze) - Skoda Fabia WRC 1hr 15min 37.5sec

7. X.Pons/X.Amigo (Spa) - Subaru Impreza WRC 1hr 15min 48.1sec

8. J-M.Latvala/M.Anttila (Fin) - Ford Focus RS WRC 1hr 15min 51.6sec

9. P.Solberg/P.Mills (Nor) - Subaru Impreza WRC 1hr 16min 01.6sec

10 M.Stohl/I.Minor (A) - Citroen Xsara WRC 1hr 16min 21.2sec

18-08-2007, 21:40:41
Se corrio el segundo día en el Rally de Alemania, y acá estan los resultados parciales, la mayor novedad, el ascenso de Grönholm al segundo lugar y el abandono del segundo piloto de Citroën Daniel Sordo:

Leaderboard after Leg 2

1. S Loeb/D Elena F Citroen C4
2hr 48min 40.4sec

2. M Grönholm/T Rautiainen FIN Ford Focus RS 2hr 49min

3. F Duval/P Pivato B Citroen Xsara
2hr 49min 30.8sec

4. M Hirvonen/J Lehtinen FIN Ford Focus RS 2hr
49min 35.9sec

5. J Kopecky/F Schovanek CZ Skoda Fabia
2hr 51min 29.1sec

6. T Gardemeister/J Honkanen FIN Mitsubishi Lancer
2hr 51min 31.8sec

7. P Solberg/P Mills N Subaru Impreza 2hr
51min 47.5sec

8. X Pons/X Amigo E Subaru Impreza 2hr
52min 56.8sec

9. J-M Latvala/M Anttila FIN Ford Focus RS 2hr
53min 34.2sec

10 C Atkinson/S Prévot AUS Subaru Impreza 2hr 57min

18-08-2007, 21:43:21
Más Fotos del segundo día del rally de Alemania

20-08-2007, 20:39:42
Final Leaderboard

1. S Loeb/D Elena F Citroen C4
3hr 27min 27.5sec

2. F Duval/P Pivato B Citroen Xsara
3hr 27min 47.8sec

3. M Hirvonen/J Lehtinen FIN Ford Focus RS 3hr
28min 46.6sec

4. M Grönholm/T Rautiainen FIN Ford Focus RS 3hr 29min

5. J Kopecky/F Schovanek CZ Skoda Fabia
3hr 30min 34.6sec

6. P Solberg/P Mills N Subaru Impreza 3hr
30min 42.2sec

7. T Gardemeister/J Honkanen FIN Mitsubishi Lancer
3hr 31min 05.0sec

8. J-M Latvala/M Anttila FIN Ford Focus RS 3hr
32min 56.8sec

9. M Wilson/M Orr GB Ford Focus RS 3hr
38min 31.7sec

10 G Wilks/P Pugh GB Ford Focus RS 3hr
47min 15.3sec

21-08-2007, 07:49:28
parce loeb es el puto amo aunque ese man hirvone le guardo mis moneditas...

!!! OoOops !!!
21-08-2007, 11:36:44
Final Leaderboard

1. S Loeb/D Elena F Citroen C4
3hr 27min 27.5sec

2. F Duval/P Pivato B Citroen Xsara
3hr 27min 47.8sec

3. M Hirvonen/J Lehtinen FIN Ford Focus RS 3hr
28min 46.6sec

excelente informe.... grcs!!!

21-08-2007, 12:50:31
Pues primero que todo queria decirle que que chimbita de topic, el rally me parece el mejor deporte a motor que hay en el mundo, por su estilo de manejo (los derrapes, los saltos) por lo extremo de este (saltos, accidentes y tipo de carreteras) y las diferentes superficies en que corren (asfalto, grava, nieve, arena, etc etc) ps esta combinacion de cosas hace de este una categoria demasiado exigente.

Y segundo queria hacerle un seguimiento en la evolucion del diseño del carro que mas me a gustado atravez de los años que llevo viendo rally, el Ford Focus, Empezando en el Año 2000 (aprox el primer año que vi el rally) hasta el dia de hoy.

Las fotos estan en orden cronologico

21-08-2007, 19:13:47
Bueno, varias cosas...Primero: Loeb si es un señor piloto, pero también hay que decir que ha contado con mucha suerte en sus tres campeonatos anteriores...ademas de que para mi gusto, maneja de forma conservadora, un poco por el estilo de Alonso en la F1...y a mi la verdad me gustan pilotos más agresivos, estilo Petter Solberg...

Segundo, a LxDxS, bacano ese resumen cronologico del Focus WRC, pero le doy un dato, el Focus debutó en el mundial de Rallys en 1999, y ese mismo año gano su primer rally, el Safari, con Colin McRaea los mandos... en este momento ando corto de tiempo, pero despues subo las fotos que faltan del rally de Alemania, y del Focus del 99'...

21-08-2007, 20:27:41
Bueno, ahora si...subo las fotos que me faltaron del rally de Alemania y algunas del Focus del año 99 y del 2000...(interesante una foto, la más antigua que conozco de Petter Solberg, cuando debutó en el mundial en el año 2000 con Ford)

Añando unos datos a los que ya habia mencionado del Focus; en el 99' tamboén ganó el rally de Portugal, con McRae a los mandos. EL Focus se caracterizo siempre por ser un carro muy fuerte para los rallys rotos, como el Safari, Portugal, Argentina y solo hasta su tercera evolución puede decirse que alcanzó competitividad en asfalto (año 2004)

21-08-2007, 20:35:15
Más Fotos...

21-08-2007, 22:10:23
Zero que excelencia de aporte, gracias por complemetar el que yo habia hecho

bueno y cual de los rallys es el que mas les gusta, personalmente el que mas me gusta en el de Suecia, por que se corre en la nieve, aca un poquito de info acerca de este:

El Uddeholm Swedish Rally (también conocido como Rally de Suecia) es una competición automovilística que se lleva a cabo en Värmland, Suecia a principios de Febrero. La primer competencia se llevó a cabo en 1950, cuando se le llamó Rally al Sol de Media Noche, con arrancada y meta en locaciones distintas, 17 años después se llevaría a cabo en un mismo lugar en Karlstad. El parque de servicio principal se encuentra en el pueblo de Hagfors, que se encuentra más cercano las etapas especiales que a la meta. La competición se divide en tres días con el inicio de la primera parte el lunes por la mañana y su terminación el domingo por la tarde.

En 1973 el rally entro al Campeonato Mundial de Rally e inició su trayectoria internacional, es el único de la categoría que se compite en nieve. Los ganadores de la competencia habían sido exclusivamente Suecos o Finlandeses hasta la victoria en 2004 de Sébastien Loeb.

El rally se ha cancelado en dos ocasiones en 1974 por la crisis de petróleo y en 1990 debido al mal tiempo. El clima sigue siendo una preocupación debido al calientamiento global se presentan temperaturas que ocasionan como en 2005 condiciones de lodo que destruyen las llantas especiales para nieve.

26-08-2007, 18:11:35
Este fin de semana se corrio el Barum Rally en la República Checa, valido para el IRC, y acá estan los resultados...:

1. N.Vouilloz / N.Klinger (F) - Peugeot 207 S2000 2:28:10

2. E.García Ojeda / E.Barrabés (E) - Peugeot 207 S2000 2:28:27

3. V.Pech / P.Uhel (Cze) - Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX 2:30:07

4. R.Kresta / P.Gross (Cze) - Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX 2:30:39

5. B.Casier / M.Frédéric (B) - Peugeot 207 S2000 2:32:21

6. V.Arazim / J.Gál (Cze) - Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX 2:32:27

7. A.Navarra / D.D' Esposito (I) - Fiat Punto Abarth 2:32:58

8. R.Travaglia / L.Granai (I) - Fiat Punto Abarth 2:33:54

9. S.Jean-Joseph / J.Boyere (Fra) - Citroën C2 S1600 2:35:20

10. R .Odložilík / P.Odložilík (Cze) - Fiat Punto Abarth 2:35:29

27-08-2007, 15:13:09
que poder de aporte el rally es donde se ven los mejores autos esos corren donde sea :rr:

01-09-2007, 02:10:20
New Zealand - WRC Leg Two,,10111%7E3382507,00.jpg
Citroen's Sebastien Loeb had only one goal this morning - to finish leg two leading the rally. The Frenchman leads Rally New Zealand going into the final day of competition by only 1.7 seconds over closest rival Marcus Gronholm.

Gronholm went into the first stage of the day, Port Waikato, leading the event by 13 seconds over Loeb, a lead that got reduced immediately by the Citroen driver. Loeb closed the gap between him and Gronholm to 9.9 seconds on the stage.

Then it was the Finn's turn as he was fastest on the second stage of this morning, increasing again his advantage to 14.9 seconds. But, as temperatures rose and roads dried out, Gronholm's tyres started to lose their grip, making him drop time on the Franklin test, stage 8 of the rally. Gronholm was now only 3.6 seconds ahead of the reigning world rally champion.,,10111%7E3383672,00.jpg
After the midday service, the battle continued. Loeb returned to the stages stronger than ever, scoring two fastest times and passing Gronholm in the leaderboard to take first overall. However, a long day awaits the two drivers tomorrow, with seven special stages still to go, and where anything could happen.

BP-Ford's Mikko Hirvonen finished the leg third overall. The young Finn, who is driving his own rally, finished the second day of rallying one minute 10.8 seconds behind Gronholm's second overall.

Jari-Matti Latvala is fourth overall, 49.8 seconds behind Hirvonen, finishing fourth fastest on the majority of the stages. The Stobart driver was happy with his pace but admitted his tyre choice was not the correct one, coming into the midday service apprehensive of the slippery morning conditions.,,10111%7E3383629,00.jpg
Fifth overall at the end of the day was Chris Atkinson who couldn't pass the Finnish driver despite various intents. The Subaru driver stated that his tyres were too soft for the stages. He goes into leg three of the rally 10.5 seconds behind Latvala.

Citroen's Dani Sordo completed today's stages sixth overall, 36.6 seconds behind the Australian, losing hopes of catching Atkinson for fifth in the standings. The Spanish driver was happy with his tyres today but complained of oversteer in his C4 during some of the morning stages.,,10111%7E3383656,00.jpg
Seventh overall went to Petter Solberg who was still suffering from handling problems in his Impreza WRC07. The Norwegian stated that the problem was worst than yesterday, but he managed to keep his position in the leaderboard, 36.5 seconds behind Sordo.
Rounding out the top in the classification was Mitsubishi's Urmo Aava who inherited the position from Henning Solberg after the Stobart driver had overheating problems on the Franklin stage. Solberg lost over four minutes, having to stop twice during the test to clear the mud off the radiator which was causing his Focus RS WRC06 to overheat.

Subaru's Xevi Pons hit trouble once again when he rolled 26km from the start of stage 8. Him and co-driver Xavier Amigo were unharmed but had to retire from the event, the second retirement of the rally for the Spanish crew.

02-09-2007, 18:10:10
New Zealand - WRC Leg Three,,10111%7E3384729,00.jpg
When BP-Ford's Marcus Gromholm started the rally, he never imagined the battle for the victory was going to so difficult. The Finn swapped the rally lead with Citroen's Sebastien Loeb numerous times before securing the victory on the very last stage of the rally, by just 0.3 of a second over the Frenchman.

The Flying Finn started the day second overall, confident that he will be able to retake the rally lead from his championship rival. After four stage wins, Gronholm went into the last run of the Mystery Creek Super Special, leading the rally by just 0.7 seconds. Loeb took the stage win at the short 3.14km test but it was not enough to change his fortunes. The Citroen driver had to settle for second overall behind Gronholm, who became the most successful driver in New Zealand with a record fifth win at the event.,,10111%7E3384707,00.jpg
Third overall was Mikko Hirvonen, who lost his rally on the first day of the event when he made a wrong tyre choice. The young Finn drove today's stages with no pressure from behind, playing the waiting game to see if any of the top two drivers would make a mistake. Hirvonen finished the event one minute 39.7 seconds behind second place.

Subaru's Chris Atkinson was engaged in a battle for fourth overall with Jari-Matti Latvala during most of the rally, but it was on the penultimate stage of the leg where the Aussie passed the young Finn to take the position by only 2.7 seconds. Atkinson reached the finish line of the super special stage faster than the Stobart driver, finishing the event 4.6 seconds ahead of Latvala's fifth overall.
Sixth overall was Dani Sordo, who drove a conservative rally, trying to have a trouble free run on a rally still new to him. The Spanish driver finished one minute 5.1 seconds behind Latvala in the final classification.,,10111%7E3384745,00.jpg
Subaru's Petter Solberg secured a seventh overall, after having a much better day today on board the Impreza. The Norwegian complained of handling problems in his car throughout most of the event, but today he managed to complete the event without any issues.

Rounding out the top eight in the classification was Mitsubishi's Urmo Aava. The Estonian inherited eighth overall from Henning Solberg when the Stobart driver hit problems on leg's two Franklin stage.

02-09-2007, 18:42:13
Bueno, se corrio el Rally de Nueva Zelanda, y acá estan los resultados:

1. M.Grönholm/T.Rautiainen (Fin) - Ford Focus RS 3h 52m 53.9s

2. S.Loeb/D.Elena (Fra) - Citroën C4 WRC 3h 52m 54.2s

3. M.Hirvonen/J.Lehtinen (Fin) - Ford Focus RS 3h 54m 36.7s

4. C.Atkinson/S.Prevot (Aus) - Subaru Impreza WRC 3h 55m 26.2s

5. J-M Latvala/M.Antilla (Fin) - Ford Focus RS 3h 55m 30.8s

6. D.Sordo/M.Marti (Esp) - Citroën C4 WRC 3h 56m 35.9s

7. P.Solberg/P.Mills (Nor) - Subaru Impreza WRC 3h 56m 48.6s

8. U.Aava/K.Sikk (Est) - Mitsubishi Lancer WRC 4h 2m 10.2s

02-09-2007, 18:48:48
Más Fotos del Rally de Nueva Zelanda...8)

03-09-2007, 00:52:54
oooops siempre con sus chimbas: que chimbas de carros jajajaja

03-09-2007, 17:30:09
Bueno, se corrio el Rally de Nueva Zelanda, y acá estan los resultados:

1. M.Grönholm/T.Rautiainen (Fin) - Ford Focus RS 3h 52m 53.9s

2. S.Loeb/D.Elena (Fra) - Citroën C4 WRC 3h 52m 54.2s

3. M.Hirvonen/J.Lehtinen (Fin) - Ford Focus RS 3h 54m 36.7s

4. C.Atkinson/S.Prevot (Aus) - Subaru Impreza WRC 3h 55m 26.2s

5. J-M Latvala/M.Antilla (Fin) - Ford Focus RS 3h 55m 30.8s

6. D.Sordo/M.Marti (Esp) - Citroën C4 WRC 3h 56m 35.9s

7. P.Solberg/P.Mills (Nor) - Subaru Impreza WRC 3h 56m 48.6s

8. U.Aava/K.Sikk (Est) - Mitsubishi Lancer WRC 4h 2m 10.2s

Bueno, como dato anecdotico de este Rally basta decir que a sido el final más cerrado en la historia de los rallys...separaron a Grönholm y a Loeb solamente 3 decimas de segundo...

06-09-2007, 14:04:19
otras fotos de new zealand

06-09-2007, 14:07:03
foto curiosa
Gromholm pillandose el carro de Loeb, sera espionaje?

10-09-2007, 22:12:28
esos coches están mundiales, esos coches son unicos!!!!!!. pero por bacanos que sean, nunca podrán superar la potencia, el sonido y la belleza del ford-mustang GT 2006 naranjado con techo plegable negro perla!!!!!!!!!

11-09-2007, 00:46:47
esos coches están mundiales, esos coches son unicos!!!!!!. pero por bacanos que sean, nunca podrán superar la potencia, el sonido y la belleza del ford-mustang GT 2006 naranjado con techo plegable negro perla!!!!!!!!!

Nooo viejo aprenda de carros mijo...un Mustang no es es sino apariencia...hay miles de carros mejores que ese; ademas como vas a comparar un World Rally Car, con un carro de calle ome:L

15-09-2007, 23:25:57
Esta es una triste noticia para todos los que gustamos del rally :-(

Colin McRae murio en un accidente de helicoptero

Colin McRae falleció anoche en un trágico accidente de helicóptero. A falta de confirmación oficial por parte de la policía, el agente del ex piloto de rallies, Jean-Eric Freudiger, confirmó que era McRae quien conducía el helicóptero accidentado. Se sabe que no iba solo, aunque se desconoce la identidad y el número de sus acompañantes, todos fallecidos, tras la explosión del ******o. Su hijo, Johnny, de cinco años, sin embargo, parece ser uno de los fallecidos. Y es que el accidente fue de tales dimensiones que la policía se vio incapaz de dar datos sobre las víctimas mortales.

“Sobre las 16.10 horas del sábado 15 de septiembre del 2007, los servicios de emergencia recibieron una llamada que informaba de un accidente de helicóptero en Jerviswoo”, indicaba el informe policial. Los primeros datos eran confusos ya que el avión había ardido “como una bola de fuego”, según comentaron los testigos. Pero, a pesar de las reservas de los agentes, no tardó demasiado en trascender que se trataba del helicóptero del ex campeón del mundo de rallies Colin McRae. “No podemos confirmar cuánta gente gente iba abordo” dada la magnitud de la tragedia, lamentaba una portavoz de la policía local que, junto al cuerpo de rescate y los bomberos, llegaron de inmediato a la escena del accidente.

“No hay supervivientes”

Poco después, en un comunicado, la policía hacía oficial lo evidente: “No hay supervivientes”. Sin embargo, continuaron sin dar más datos sobre las víctimas: “No habrá identificación oficial de ninguna de las personas que ocupaban el helicóptero durante esta tarde –por la de ayer–”.

Algunos medios británicos, no obstante, remitiéndose a fuentes cercanas a la familia, ya ponían nombre y apellido a dos de los ocupantes del ******o caído: Colin y Johnny McRae. Y es que estaba previsto que el ex piloto estuviera volando a Glasgow en el momento de la explosión.

Confirman que era McRae

A última hora de la noche, la posible muerte del escocés se hacía real. Era su agente, Jean-Eric Freudiger, quien confirmaba que Colin pilotaba el helicóptero que había ardido en llamas a pocos metros de la residencia McRae, en Jerviswood. También se encargaba de aportar luz sobre la identidad del resto de pasajeros. Según tenía entendido, el ex piloto viajaba acompañado de su hijo Johnny, otro niño y el padre de éste. Todos ellos perdieron la vida. En casa se habían quedado su esposa Alison y su hija mayor, Hollie, de nueve años.

La policía centra sus esfuerzos, ahora, en identificar a las víctimas para poder hacer oficiales sus muertes, al tiempo que trata de esclarecer las causas que llevaron al helicóptero de McRae a desplomarse en pleno vuelo.

Rival y amigo de Sainz en los 90

Extremadamente tímido e introvertido, el mejor piloto escocés de todos los tiempos compartió con Carlos Sainz la época dorada del Mundial de Rallies, en la década de los 90. Debutó en el complicado Rally de Suecia en 1987 y, con un palmarés de 25 victorias y 42 podios, Colin McRae se proclamó campeón del mundo en 1995 con Subaru, convirtiéndose en el primer piloto escocés en conseguirlo.

McRae y Sainz fueron compañeros de equipo en Subaru y Ford, lo que les llevó a protagonizar momentos de gran tensión y rivalidad, a pesar de que al bajarse del coche hacían gala de una excepcional relación y amistad.

El piloto, hijo del cinco veces campeón británico de rallies Jimmy McRae, acababa de cumplir 39 años, estaba casado con Alison y tenía dos hijos. El escocés, que se caracterizaba por su habilidad para ir al límite sobre cualquier tipo de superficie, disputó su último Rally la temporada pasada, en Turquía. Antes, no había podido resistirse a la tentación del Dakar, en el que debutó en 2004 al volante de un Nissan oficial, con el que logró dos victorias de etapa. Colin regresó al desierto africano al año siguiente y tenía previsto volver a sortear las dunas este año. No sabía el fatal desenlace que el destino tenía planeado para él.

16-09-2007, 00:10:17

Emo morales
16-09-2007, 16:24:13
Parce Q Vaina La Muerte De Ese Man... Pero A Todos Nos Toca, Hey, Yo Como Fanatico De Subaru, Veo Muy Estrambotica La Forma Del Nuevo Impreza 2008, Como Le Van A Recortar La Cola Asi, El Impreza Sti Va A Ser Clasico Siempre, Lo Mismo Q El 206 Q Tambien Sacaron....parceros, Una Chimba De Toopiic!!!

17-09-2007, 01:06:57
Hombre Andrés538, venia precisamente a poner algo sobre una lastima la forma en que murio...especialmente pq tambien murieron su hijo de 5 años y un amigo de este de 6.

McRae fue considerado siempre como el piloto más rapido sobre grava...nos dio maravillosos momentos en el rally, en el dakar y en Le Mans. Se nnos fue un grande, dentro y fuera del coche. Paz en su Tumba...

17-09-2007, 01:09:29
Colin McRae 1968 - 2007

Tomado de :

Colin McRae, who died in a helicopter crash aged 39, was the Scottish rally driver who won the world championship in 1995, the first Briton to do so.

His 25 WRC event wins brought him considerable international recognition and spread even amongst those who preferred virtual racing, when a computer game endorsed by him became the most successful console rally game ever.

Though rallying, unlike Formula One, does not lend itself especially well to television coverage, and offers its drivers commensurately less in the way of fame and financial reward, McRae’s win brought him a degree of stardom and considerable financial success: in addition to the Sony Playstation game, which went through several incarnations and is now available on a range of platforms (which will soon include mobile phones) he attracted lucrative sponsorship deals and lent his name to a sportswear brand.

For a while, after his win on the Safari Rally in 2002, McRae held the record for the greatest number of wins in the WRC.

advertisementHe also took part in the Paris-Dakar Rally in 2004 and raced at Le Mans.

Colin Steele McRae was born on August 5, 1968, at Lanark, the son of Jimmy McRae, a rally driver who was British champion five times.

Cars dominated the household: Colin’s younger brother Alister would also go on to become a successful driver, while a third brother, Stuart, chose the safer option of selling cars.

Colin showed his first interest in vehicles at the age of two, and was encouraged to drive “as soon as my feet could touch the accelerator” (as his interviewer noted: “Not, mark you, the brake”).

But as a child two-wheeled vehicles – mountain bikes and scramblers – occupied much of his attention; he became junior Scottish moto-cross champion.

“I hated school,” he admitted. “I sat there all day and waited for the bell to go so that I could get back to my bikes and motorbikes. That’s all I ever wanted to do, to race, be fast, to be world champion.”

He left school with five O-grades and spent a year trying to work as a mechanic but, unable to land a permanent job, soon joined the family plumbing and heating company.

Even when he moved to Monaco for tax purposes, he was pleased to have the security offered by the fact that he could always make his living as a plumber.

His active career in rallying began in 1986, in a Talbot Sunbeam, and the following year he took part in his first world championship rally, in Sweden, driving a Vauxhall Nova.

In 1988 he won the Tweedies Rally in southern Scotland, with his co-driver Alison Hamilton, whom he was to marry.

The next year, having progressed to a Ford Sierra XR 4x4, he came 15th in the Swedish rally and fifth in New Zealand, in a rear-wheel drive Sierra Cosworth.

His natural talent, and in particular his fearlessness in hitting the floor and apparent ability to corner through gaps slightly narrower that the car he was in, soon gained the young McRae widespread attention and comparisons with his hero, and later team-mate, Ari Vatanen.

He also made a speciality of “guttering”, slotting the near-side wheels of the car into the shallow trench at the edge of a forest track and, applying full power, using the traction to guide the vehicle around the corner.

For all his speed, consistency seemed to elude him in the early years. However, by 1991, by which time he had joined Suburu, his technique had matured, and ambition had concentrated his focus.

He took the British Rally Championship that year and retained the title in 1992; the next year he took his first WRC event, driving the Suburu Legacy RS in New Zealand.

In an Impreza he did it again for the following two years, and also took the Network Q rallies in 1994 and 1995.

He was generally accepted to be the fastest man in the world on gravel. But he also experienced some terrible luck: his car caught fire in Portugal and in Corsica he crashed, badly damaging his right cheekbone and eye socket.

Then he was disqualified from the Acropolis rally for holding up other racers while repairing a windscreen.

In Argentina he set the fastest time on the first two stages but at the end of the day was in fifth, having damaged his suspension.

Starting at full-tilt the next day, he misheard a pace note from Derek Ringer, his co-driver, and ended up in a ditch with three wheels, then ruined the car by continuing to drive it for a further 12 kilometres.

After that, though, his career blossomed.

His win in the 1995 championship was not only the first British triumph in the event, but made him, at 27, the youngest to have clinched the title.

He was runner-up in 1996 and 1997, third in 1998, and runner-up again in 2001.

He moved to Monaco, where he had a flat overlooking the Ste Devote corner on the Grand Prix circuit, and also bought a house at Verbiers where he retired for the skiing season.

All his other hobbies were equally adrenaline-packed: windsurfing, mountain biking and motorbikes remained favourites: he balked at golf, which he found frustrating.

As his family grew up, he returned to live in Scotland, travelling to the continent in his Squirrel helicopter.

In 1999 he transferred to the M-Sport Ford team, winning the Safari and the Portuguese rallies in a Focus.

In 2003, after a couple of years of mixed fortune (but during which he had secured the record for WRC event wins), he moved again, to Citroën; but the partnership was not a success, and he had no wins that season, and finished seventh overall.

His 25th WRC win came in the Inmarsat Safari Rally in 2002, with Nicky Grist as his co-driver.

During his year out from rallying in 2004, McRae worked on the development of his own car, the R4, which he had been due to race later this year.

He returned to rallying in a Skoda Fabia in Wales, placing seventh, and had bad luck with his clutch in Australia.

Last year, he competed for Subaru in America’s first televised rally in Los Angeles: he turned the car over and destroyed a wheel. He still came second.

He filled in for the injured Sebastien Loeb at the Rally of Turkey, but failed to make the top 10.

He was appointed MBE in 1996.

Colin McRae’s helicopter crashed near his home in Lanarkshire on Saturday, killing him and his five-year-old son Johnny, and two other passengers.

He is survived by his wife and their daughter.

17-09-2007, 01:11:04
Este video es de los X-Games del 2006 (Creo) es espectacular...Colin demuestra el contro que tiene sobre el auto en cualquier superficie...y el final es lo mejor...veanlo, es un tributo a uno de los mejores.


17-09-2007, 01:17:32
Esta es una declaración del padre de Colin al respecto de la muerte de su hijo.

McRae Family Statement
Speaking on behalf of the whole family, Colin's father, Jim McRae, said today:

"It is with much sadness and regret that we have to make this statement.
It is unbelievable that Colin and Johnny's lives have been taken so prematurely and in such a tragic manner.
Colin was a great son, a loving husband to Alison and a fantastic father to Johnny and his big sister Hollie. Johnny was a great wee guy, spending every spare minute with his dad, and even at this early stage it looked like he had the potential to carry on the family dynasty.
Our thoughts are also very much with the families of Ben Porcelli and Graeme Duncan. Ben was a great buddy of Johnny's and they had always spent a lot of time together both in and out of school. Graeme, who now resides in France, had been a close friend of Colin's since their schooldays and was back in Lanark on holiday.
We are thankful for the overwhelming number of messages of support we have received from all around the world. Colin was very much an inspiration and role model to motorsport fans the world over.
As you can imagine this is a very difficult time for the family and we would ask that our privacy be respected and we be allowed to grieve in private."

17-09-2007, 01:30:48
Algunas Fotos de Colin en acción...con Skoda en el 2005, Citroën en el 2003. Y la Ferrari que manejo en Le Mans en el 2004, donde termino 9º

17-09-2007, 09:25:40
Toda la vida desde que conosco de competencia me ha gustado mucho el rally y por los lados de los carros el mejor todos es el subaru Impreza WRC 2007.