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Ver la Versión Completa Con Imagenes : Medal of Honor 2010 For MAC

Ayudante De Santa
06-11-2015, 22:19:08
Los mejores licores
30-08-2011, 00:21:49

Medal of Honor 2010 For MAC | 7.93 GB

Medal of Honor's single-player campaign uses a heavily-modified version of Unreal Engine 3, and its multiplayer uses the Frostbite Engine.[8] The game uses dedicated servers for PC and consoles. However, the server files have not been made public and are only available for use through specific Game Server Providers. It is the first game in the Medal of Honor franchise to receive an M rating from the ESRB.

The gameplay is designed to be realistic, and to this end EA has hired several consultants from the United States military. Typical in-game objectives are expected to be similar to those issued in real life such as raiding terrorist hideouts, hostage rescues and undercover operations. The game is loosely based on parts of Operation Anaconda; specifically, the events surrounding the Battle of Roberts Ridge.

Name: Medal of Honor 2010
Mac Platform: Intel
Includes: K
Courtesy: DankoB

OS version: 10.5 and up (10.6.3 Highly Recommended)
Processor type(s) & speed: Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz
RAM minimum: 3 GB
Video RAM: 256 MB (512 Highly Recommended)

Known Issues:
This port has been extensively tested on a late 2010 MBP, Core 2 Duo 2.53 GHz, 4 GB RAM, nVidia 320M, 256 MB vRAM

Personal Notes
I am running this game on low graphics settings, all the way around. The gameplay is absolutely fluid and very much like it would be in a Windows environment save one minor issue....and I believe it's related to the Video RAM of the Graphics card.

On occasion, while using your ironsights, or pressing shift to run, the video will freeze. When you let go of the action, the frame will be released and the video returns to normal.

It also started on my late 2006 MBP with an ATI X1600, 128 MB vRAM. It loaded and ran fine but when the gameplay movie started it froze and just couldn't handle it. I suspect an X1600 with 256 + MB would be able to run this but at an extremely low frame rate.

I have had reports back that the game runs amazingly well on the newest Core i7 x64 MacPro. The system was stacked with 16 GB of RAM and I believe he had 512 MB vRAM (maybe more)

Minimum System Requirements:
- OS: Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard / Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard
- CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo
- RAM: 2048 MB
- Video: 256 MB vRAM, (512 vRAM or more Highly Recommended)
- Apple's X11 must be installed
- about 9 GB Hard Drive Space is required

Single player
The single player campaign takes place in 2002 in Afghanistan. For half of the game, players assume the role of a DEVGRU operator codenamed "Rabbit", of AFO Neptune. For the remainder, the player alternates between the roles of a Delta Force sniper code-named "Deuce", of AFO Wolfpack, as well as Army Ranger Specialist Dante Adams of the 75th Ranger Regiment, and AH-64 Apache gunner Captain Brad "Hawk" Hawkins.

Multiplayer has not been tested

Mount the .dmg
Drag and drop the Medal of into your preferred gaming folder
Double click to play

I've tested this and it works to get rid of the annoying constant freeze that eventually made this game unplayable for me...I think it has affected other [people in the same hope this helps to get you back to MoH if you were affected by this bug

It has to do with the last two registry keys (DWORD entry) You will need to use the Wine Registry Editor (press alt and double click the app) get to it by clicking Advacnce > Tools > Registry Editor (top right)

More details (please, read) Code:

| | [DWORD Value (REG_DWORD): sets the pci device id of the video card. See next value.]
| |
| +->VideoPciVendorID
| [DWORD Value (REG_DWORD): sets the pci vendor id of the video card. By default Wine estimates
| these values based on OpenGL info but this doesn't work well in all cases. If you want to
| override our estimates check the output of e.g. lspci -n on Linux. For a video card this
| could show 05:00.0 0300: 10de:0402 (rev a1). In this result 0x10de (Nvidia) is the pci vendor
| id and '0x0402' (Geforce 8600GT) is the pci device id. The '0x0300' means video card.]

Go to the HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Wine > Direct3D and right click on it

Then choose New > DWORD Value

Now the new registry entry should appear...title the first one VideoPciDeviceID and title the second DWORD value VideoPciVendorID

Keep Wine regedit open, now you have to click on the Apple logo on your menu bar and choose About This Mac
Now click more info and when System Profiler opens choose Graphics/Displays from the left hand column
Here you find the values you need to enter into the registry

In my case the first one is the vender id - Vendor: ATI (0x1002) - just below VRAM (Total)

The 0x1002 value will need to be applied to the +->VideoPciVendorID red entry, do this by right clicking on that entry in WineRegEdit and choose Modify...enter in the value in exactly as you see it in the brackets.

The next one is the VideoPciDeviceID, that values is located just below the Vendor ID, in my case it is - Device ID: 0x71c5

This value should be applied in regedit as directed above and then close out regedit...the performance should increase because the wrapper is now tweaked specific to your system.

This may also help with games that may have not worked in the past for you.

Buy a Premium Account *** to download file with fast speed

Ayudante De Santa
06-11-2015, 22:19:08
Los mejores licores
30-08-2011, 23:11:08
Juego sin caps!

Candado segun el reglamento!