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Ver la Versión Completa Con Imagenes : Singularity (2010_ENG_RIP by KaPiTaL SiN)

Ayudante De Santa
06-11-2015, 22:19:08
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06-08-2011, 04:39:41
Singularity (2010/ENG/RIP by KaPiTaL SiN) Singularity (2010/ENG/RIP by KaPiTaL SiN) Year: 2010 l Platform: PC l Language: English l Developer: Raven Software l Publisher: Activision l 1.90 GB Genre: Action (Shooter) / 3D / 1st Person Singularity - a new first-person shooter, ready to shake up the genre. You will have the standard weapons : pistols, submachine guns, grenades and so on . But also you have to skillfully master the basic chip Singularity - device time management ( UUV ). With UUV you can not travel in time, but you can easily dispatch their opponents, or just an inanimate object . You see a rusty barrel and send it back, and you have a wonderful brand new barrel with combustible mixture, ready to explode from your shots into the target . In the Singularity, throw barrels and all that lies under the feet, you will also be using another skill UUV - a powerful impetus. Game Features - Time as an ally. Large selection of weapons and the trump card - a unique unit of time management, through which you can old enemies return from the past and change things and even stop time - Military Secret. Gripping non-trivial subject, which is based on the time paradox. Collecting the crumbs of information and find answers to many questions, players gradually learn the truth about a top-secret military experiment - Virtual unreality. Impressive visual representation grim fantasy world and realistically recreated the atmosphere of the Soviet "mailbox" of the Cold War thanks to the vast possibilities of the Unreal Engine 3 - Surrounded by enemies. Fierce multiplayer battles in conjunction with the movement over time will provide ample thrills and a unique gaming experience System Requirements OS: Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7 Processor: Intel Dual Core 2.8 GHz or AMD Ahtlon 64 x2 Dual-Core 4800 or better Memory: 1GB for XP, 2GB for Vista/Win7 Graphics: 3D hardware accelerator card required - 100% DirectX 9.0c-compliant 256 MB video card and drivers* DirectX: DirectX 9.0c (Included) Hard Drive: 8GB of uncompressed hard disk space (plus 400 MB for the Windows swap file and 12 KB free for saved games) Sound: 100% DirectX 9.0c-compliant true 16-bit sound card and drivers Other Requirements: A 100% Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7-compatible computer system Keyboard/Mouse:100% Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7-compatible mouse, keyboard and drivers Features RIPa - Cut out unnecessary files nekotrye - Installation takes 30 minutes - Set in its own folder - Author RIPa KaPiTaL SiN from from Download

Ayudante De Santa
06-11-2015, 22:19:08
Los mejores licores
07-08-2011, 00:59:37
gracias por el aporte

le recomiendo etiquetar sus temas ya que es importante hacerlo

le colaboro con ellas

07-08-2011, 01:10:40
Colabora etiketando tus post gracias