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Ver la Versión Completa Con Imagenes : Starshatter The Gathering Storm - Reloaded

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06-11-2015, 22:19:08
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06-08-2011, 02:50:44
Starshatter: The Gathering Storm - Reloaded Starshatter: The Gathering Storm - Reloaded (PC/ENG/2006) PC | Publisher: Matrix Games | Developer: Destroyer Studios Starshatter | 585 Mb Genre: Flight Simulation Starshatter: The Gathering Storm extends the gameplay concepts of the classic sims by combining fighter and starship combat in a single game. You begin the game as either a fighter pilot or the captain of a small Frigate-class starship. As you progress through the game, you can earn promotions and awards until you are commanding a massive fleet carrier with three wings of fighters and a complete escort of warships.Starshatter: The Gathering Storm promotes airborne fighter combat to a first-class game component, allowing you to take-off and land at planetary bases, engage in aerial dogfights, and use air-to-ground missiles to destroy ground targets. Features: - Small Frigates are used for air defense. They can shoot down enemy fighters and torpedoes with rapid fire plasma cannon and interceptor missiles - Destroyers are attack platforms that can engage enemy ships one-on-one or in small groups - Cruisers are the backbone of the fleet's attack capability. They carry devastating firepower that can effectively engage any size target; even a military battle station -Carriers are the cornerstone of the fleet. They deliver fighters and strike ships to the scene of action, and they coordinate the entire battle plan Screenshots: System Requirements: Windows 98/SE/ME/2000/XP/vista/7 Pentium III1Ghz or Athlon Equivalent Pentium IV 2.4 Ghz Recommended 512 MB RAM Required, 1 GB Recommended Direct X9 compatible 32 MB video card (Pixel 2.0 Support Shader Recommended) 8x CD-Rom, 700 MB Free Disk Space Keyboard and Mouse Required Joystick and Gamepads supported with up to four axes and 32 buttons as optional equipment. Natural Point Track IR headset 3.1 supported. Install Notes: - Unrar. - Burn or mount the image. - Install the game. - When asked for a serial enter *see nfo* - Play the game. I also included the last patch that was released, the campaign cannot be completed without it. Download