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Ver la Versión Completa Con Imagenes : Celtic Kings Rage of War - FLT (PC_ENG)

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Celtic Kings: Rage of War - FLT (PC/ENG)

Celtic Kings: Rage of War - FLT (PC/ENG)

PC | Developer: Haemimont | Publisher: Strategy First | 360 Mb
Genre: RTS
In the game you control the great soldiers of Gauls, who want to defend their independence. After the Teutons destroyed your village and killed your beloved, you trade you life to ancient Celtic goddess. After that time you control the great armies and gain great powers of Celts to fight with Teutons and Romans.
Controlling your units with personal tactics you have to defend your natives and to control your land using great powers of druids.
Real-time strategy and role-playing elements allow you to gain Celtic experience.
Game Features:
Large world consisting of many maps, which players can navigate at will
Integration of character development and major battles
Combined RTS and RPG experience
Two sides to play with - Roman and Gaul
LAN and Internet games with up to 8 players
Random map generation
In-game scenario/adventure editSupport for 5000 units on the map
Intelligent unit behaviour controlled by scripting language
Human-like AI opponents with different personalities
Exceptionally detailed mini-map
Textured 3D terrain with lighting that allows landscape views of unique quality
Two zoom levels for better view and control
Three different seasons selectable for any map
Total of 55 different units with many animations
System Requirements:
OS: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/7
CPU: Pentium 2 @ 400 MHz
RAM: 64 MB
HDD: 500 MB Free
VRAM: 8 MB, 16-Bit Color @ 1024×768 Resolution
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
Keyboard & Mouse
CD/DVD Rom Drive
Install Notes:
- Unrar
- Mount or burn
- Install
- Play

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