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Ver la Versión Completa Con Imagenes : StarCraft II Wings of Liberty [LANMULTIPLAYER] (2011_MULTI2)

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04-08-2011, 14:56:15
StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty [LANMULTIPLAYER] (2011/MULTI2) StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty [LANMULTIPLAYER] (2011/MULTI2) Year: 2010 | PC | Eng, Rus | Developer: Blizzard Entertainment | Publishing house: Blizzard Entertainment | 7.5 Gb Genre: Strategy (Real-time) / 3D StarCraft II - Continuation of the epic saga of three powerful races: Protoss, and Zerg terran space. They will again come together in battle in the latest strategy in the present time, the continuation of the legendary game StarCraft. In this ruthless struggle for survival in space at your disposal will be a new combat units, and the old, with advanced features. In the great single-player campaign, the story is conceived as a direct continuation of the story StarCraft: Brood War (StarCraft: Zerg war"), you wait and new heroes and familiar faces. This exciting science fiction, full of adventure and intrigue. In addition, playing in StarCraft II will be as before, through the portal - Blizzard specially designed system of online games, became famous around the world. Due to significant upgrades and brand new features StarCraft II will, of course, the best game in the history strategies in the present tense. " Features Launch Configure and start the server. -We go into the game folder where you copied Starfriend. We find there folder MySC2Server. Here we are primarily interested in MyServer_0.44.exe and config.ini -To begin, we make sure that everything works. Start MyServer_0.43.exe. In the open window you should see the following: Now we can run StarCraft 2. Enter the email: [email protected]. Click Ok and enter the password: gg Everything. Now we go in the game. You went as a player under the name Father. The first step is to wait some time until all is loaded. Stop spinning this besyavy circle, and there will be pictures of races, portrait and all the rest. Now you can look around and pass a test on knowledge of the interface Battle.Net, moving in the middle of all sorts of weird characters. Posozdavat can play (to join us until no one can), run the company, enjoy the pure speech of the Chinese ... Okay, it's time for multipleyra. Exit the game and open config.ini The server has two options: [ServerFunction] EnableMakeRoom = 0 - option to enable / disable the "rooms". MaxDelayInMs = 300 - maximum ping (if there will be more, will not connect) Find line EnableMakeRoom = 0, and write instead of zero yedinichku. Congratulations, you just razreshlibo creating game rooms and, consequently, the ability to play with other players. Do not forget to restart the server! (Close MyServer_0.43.exe and run the newer). Again run StarCraft 2. Now as introducing an e-mail: [email protected]. Password is the same: gg Please note that [email protected] already will not work. You can enter various options @ star.friend, substituting for a place xxx caique a value. @ star.friend, for example. Thereby creating a separate room, just as it was in times of StarCraft BroodWar. Now you can create a game, becoming a host, and wait for the connection of his own opponent. What do I do that would connect to another player who has created the room? First, modify the file config.ini, which lies at the root folder of the game. There are only two lines: [ServerInfo] IP = This means that at any given time, the server you are connecting to is on your local machine. To connect to a server located on another computer in the network (or Internet), you must specify for the place its IP-the address. for example. Learn your own current IP in the Internet by using the services, etc. Second, check your own config.ini, lying in a folder with the server The value of the function EnableMakeRoom be equated to zero. Convinced that the establishment of disabled rooms (Make Room Function Disabled in the server console), start the game. Now you must enter the same email as the one who created the game. For example, if your partner is introduced [email protected], you must enter the same email address. Voila! You enter under the name does not already Father, and Mother! Now Dad can you invite into the game relaxed, as in the usual multipleyre! But then do you create a game and invite folder there - you can not. Nickname everyone who came the next player will vary, depending on how many people are already present in the room. Options: Father, Mother, Safety, Health. Click here to close the spoiler Installation (click here) 1) Start to install the game 2) At the end of the installation off the Internet, so that the game did not start updating. 3) Install the patch sc2-1.3.2-zhTW.exe 4) Open the folder StarFriendBeta_0.44, find in it a folder "Starcraft II", copy the contents of the folder with the replacement to the place where you had installed the game itself. (After this action game will not be automatically renewing and can include the Internet) 5) Open the folder MapCache_1.3.2.rar take from there the folder "Blizzard Entertainment" and if you have Win xp then transfer to the "C: \ Documents and Settings \ All Users \ Application Data \" if you have Win 7 is here "C: \ ProgramData" 6) File patch-zhTW.SC2Archive put it in the "Starcraft II \ versions \ base18092" Click here to close the spoiler Information on the game online (click here) [b]Overview, or that there is in general to this The system works in a nutshell as follows: The host starts the server (Starfriend), you report your own IP the address you specify in his setting of the client. Connecting. Host makes the game invites you. Play. Server's own console displays time, IP connected, port, user, ping. [b]By the way, about the ping As much as they connect to the server is not Batlneta, but directly to the person you're connecting to, you can ping is extremely varied. excellent, to say so, so-so ... The program is primarily geared to the game lokalke. Personally, I tested the whole thing in a gigabit network, so that nothing about the internet connection to speak at this moment I can not. Like the others - it's hard to tell from the small amount of feedback. The idea is to be no worse off than at the server. It is believed that even better. Depends on the regions from which the opponents and the personal properties of the compound. Yes, by the way, this program there pofigu fully to the regions, there is a big plus. You can easily play even with the Americans, even with the Koreans, though with Honduras. The only question is, what you will ping. Of the minuses can be noted first that the programm is in beta stage, some secondary functions are disabled, not totally British version, supports a small number of players. Developed and promise to continue to bring their offspring to mind. If Blizzard, of course, all this shop is not closed down. (While in China, all kopirastov send even further than in Russia ...) [b]What is it? This is a Chinese client and an emulator that allows 2.0 to play with one another via the Internet or over a network in sc2 is completely free. Posted StarCraft 2 LAN: How to play on LAN. Guide for dummies. Russian voice - changing the language only in the Company [b]System requirements - Windows 7 - Processor: 2.6 GHz Pentium IV or equivalent AMD Athlon - Memory: 1 GB RAM (1.5 GB Windows Vista / Windows 7) - Video card: 128 MB PCIe NVIDIA GeForce 6600 GT / ATI Radeon 9800 PRO - Audio card: compatible with DirectX 9.0c - Hard disk space: 15 GB [b]from [b]from [b] Download