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Ver la Versión Completa Con Imagenes : The Sims Pet Stories (2007_MULTI16_PC)

Ayudante De Santa
06-11-2015, 22:19:08
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10-06-2011, 18:01:49
The Sims : Pet Stories (2007/MULTI16/PC)
The Sims : Pet Stories (2007/MULTI16/PC) | 2.1 Gb

Platform: PC | Year: 2007 | Developer: Maxis | Publisher: Electronic Arts | Language: MULTI16
Genre: Simulat
In every human heart there is room for a small four-legged friend. Whether you're a cat, dog, or parrot - favorite pets accompany their masters throughout their lives. They are presented with tenderness and warmth, dedication and touching concern. But who knows what's going on in the soul of these lovely creatures? What do they think they are going through, what fear and dream about. Learn all you can to Sims Stories about pets, where pets are no secrets from you.
Game Features:
- Two unique stories! Alice is dreaming with her Dalmatians dog win the competition and pay off debts for housing. Stephen does not know how to deal with bad-mannered neighbor's cat. Heroes do not even realize what challenges are waiting ahead. However, the reward for the efforts will exceed all expectations.
- Freedom of the original The Sims! After passing the scene of stories you will find a regime of free games. New wards and their pets, unlimited possibilities of characters, lots of interesting finals for the same stories and the sea, a curious situation Guaranteed!
- The game is tailored for notebooks! Battery level indicator warns of imminent shutdown, and when closing the lid will work automatically pause. Moreover, it is now possible to check the mail without leaving Sims Stories about pets!
- The game works without the original The Sims! "Stories about pets - this is the second part of the original series of The Sims Stories, but it does not require installation of other projects!
Minimum System Requirements:
- System: Windows XP / Vista
- Processor: Pentium IV 1.4 GHz (1.8 GHz laptop)
- Memory: 256 MB RAM (512 MB laptop)
- Video card: Nvidia GeForce 2 or ATI Radeon 7000 with 32 MB of memory
- Sound card: yes
- Hard Disk: 3.5 GB of free disk space



Ayudante De Santa
06-11-2015, 22:19:08
Los mejores licores
10-06-2011, 18:04:57
cambia la imagen no aparece búscala de otro lado y la corrige

10-06-2011, 20:28:37
buen aporte pero le recomiendo que lea las reglas

-Todo Juego que sea posteado sin los siguientes requisitos sera inmediatamente cerrado asi ayudaremos a mantener la zona en orden:

- Titulos engañosos los cuales solo buscan engañar nuestros usuarios y por ende a perder tiempo.

-Todo juego que no tenga como minimo sinopsis,requerimientos minimos y recomendados y capturas sera cerrado ya que todo post se debe realizar de manera ordenada.

-Todo titulo debe explicar el tipo de consola para la que el juego esta pòsteado de lo contrario se cerrara el tema.

-Si se encuentran archivos malignos como virus , troyanos o spydwares el creador sera sancionado y el tema cerrado y desaprovado.

Leer Mas Sobre: Antes de postear en la zona de juegos y consolas! (