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Ver la Versión Completa Con Imagenes : Amnesia The Dark Descent (2010_MULTI2_RePack by Zerstoren)

Ayudante De Santa
06-11-2015, 22:19:08
Los mejores licores
04-06-2011, 04:37:03
Amnesia: The Dark Descent (2010/MULTI2/RePack by Zerstoren)
Amnesia: The Dark Descent (2010/MULTI2/RePack by Zerstoren)

Year: 2011 | Eng, Rus | PC | Developer: Frictional Games | Publisher: ValuSoft | 960 Mb
Genre: Horror Action Adventure
The plot of "Amnesia: Ghost of the Past" tells of the misfortunes of the protagonist named Daniel. What happened and how he got into the walls of dark and gloomy castle, he does not know his memories erased someones terrible hand. He knows only one that examined all the corners of the medieval citadel, the memory returns to him and find out. But whether it is destined to happen? After mist-filled corridors to hide not only unsightly surroundings, but also something else more dangerous and terrible thing that moves him, that he was looking for a victim that lives our fears ... The end of the story unable to put a player.
Feeling incommunicable horror, following your shadow.
Mysterious storyline, compelling glimpse into the darkest recesses of human consciousness.
Puzzles, built on realistic physics game environment.
The atmosphere of the literary worlds of HP Lovecraft.
[b]System requirements
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7/Vista/XP (SP2)
Processor: Intel Pentium IV with clock frequency of 1.5 GHz
Memory: 1 GB
Hard disk space: 2 GB
Sound device: compatible with DirectX
Video: 128 MB VRAM compatible with DirectX 9.0c, supports 32-bit color and pixel shaders;
[b]Features RePacka
The game is patched to version 1.0.1
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Sew nine fan-ons. To activate them Click on the Other Stories and choose.
Archive super_secret, containing a material for creating the game extracted and kept in a folder super_secret
All registry entries are saved
Installing additional software
Author RePacka Zerstoren

[b] Download


Ayudante De Santa
06-11-2015, 22:19:08
Los mejores licores
04-06-2011, 15:39:35
muchas gracias por el aporte pero debes leer las reglas se lo recomiendo

-Todo Juego que sea posteado sin los siguientes requisitos sera inmediatamente cerrado asi ayudaremos a mantener la zona en orden:

- Titulos engañosos los cuales solo buscan engañar nuestros usuarios y por ende a perder tiempo.

-Todo juego que no tenga como minimo sinopsis,requerimientos minimos y recomendados y capturas sera cerrado ya que todo post se debe realizar de manera ordenada.

-Todo titulo debe explicar el tipo de consola para la que el juego esta pòsteado de lo contrario se cerrara el tema.

-Si se encuentran archivos malignos como virus , troyanos o spydwares el creador sera sancionado y el tema cerrado y desaprovado.

Leer Mas Sobre: Antes de postear en la zona de juegos y consolas! (