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Ver la Versión Completa Con Imagenes : Sabayon Linux 5.2 KDE (x86 DVD ISO) [HF]

Ayudante De Santa
06-11-2015, 22:19:08
Los mejores licores
12-04-2010, 08:18:05
Sabayon Linux 5.2 KDE (x86 DVD ISO) | 1.89GB

The best, refined blend of GNU/Linux, coming with bleeding edge edges is eventually here! Say hello to Sabayon Five-point-Twoh, available in both GNOME and KDE editions!
Dedicated to those who like cutting edge stability, out of the box experience, outstanding Desktop performance, clean and beauty. Sabayon 5.2 will catch you, anything that could have been compiled, has been compiled, anything cool that could have been implemented or updated, it's there: you will find outstanding amount of new applications and features, like XBMC 9.11, KDE 4.4.1, GNOME 2.28, Linux Kernel 2.6.33, and so forth.
So, come on, go catch it, it's half a DVD away from you!

Features of Sabayon 5.2:
-Based on new GCC 4.4.1 and Glibc 2.10
-Shipped with Desktop-optimized Linux kernel 2.6.33
-Providing extra Server-optimized and OpenVZ-enabled kernels in repositories
-Installable in 10 minutes
-Faster boot time and lightweight default system
-Ext4 filesystem as default
-Encrypted filesystem support
-Featuring X.Org 7.5 and up-to-date Open Source, NVIDIA, AMD video drivers
-Containing GNOME 2.28 (with GNOME Shell!) and KDE 4.4.1
-Outstanding 3D Desktop applications (Compiz, Compiz Fusion and KWin) working out of the box
-Bringing Entropy Framework (Package Manager)
-Shipped with OpenOffice 3.2 productivity suite, Multimedia applications
-Transform Sabayon into an full-featured HTPC Operating System (Media Center) using XBMC
-Shipped with World of Goo Demo - best 2D game ever!
-Sexiest Skin ever! (Light blueeee!)
-Try it out from Windows, just kick the DVD in and use Sabayon via QEMU virtualization!
-Ready for Sabayon 6 (someday!)

Updates since Sabayon 5.1-r1:
-New Linux Kernel 2.6.33 with enhanced wireless and power management support
-Switched to GRUB2, improved Mac support
-Improved VirtualBox Input drivers support
-KDE updated to 4.4.1 and now more integrated than ever (featuring new KNetworkManager)!
-Entropy Framework updated to, featuring outstanding performance improvements, tons of bugfixes and features (see our Git repos). Working towards 1.0!
-More than 2000 new updated packages available (since Sabayon 5.1)
-Greatly improved boot time
-Improved Pulseaudio/ALSA support
-Reduced ISO images footprint by 100Mb
-Improved NVIDIA legacy drivers support
-Improved XBMC, Media Center installation profile support and reliability

Minimum requirements:
- an i686-compatible Processor (Intel Pentium II/III, Celeron, AMD Athlon)
- 512Mb RAM
- 6 GB of free space
- A X.Org supported 2D GPU
- a DVD reader
Optimal requirements:
- a Dual Core Processor (Intel Core 2 Duo or better, AMD Athlon 64 X2 or better)
- 1024Mb RAM
- 15 GB of free space
- A X.Org supported 3D GPU (Intel, AMD, NVIDIA) (esp. for XBMC)
- a DVD reader

Download (Don't worry, I will back up my files as soon as possible)

Ayudante De Santa
06-11-2015, 22:19:08
Los mejores licores
12-04-2010, 18:57:14
Tema en zona equivocada ...... se mueve a computadores

12-04-2010, 19:11:45
:scratch: :scratch:

12-04-2010, 19:11:49
Tema en zona equivocada ...... se mueve a computadores
